The planet is about six times more massive than Earth and could be rocky, offering a unique opportunity to study a heavier Earth-like world.
Earth, HD 20794 d, in the habitable zone around a Sun-like star 20 light-years away. With a mass six times that of Earth and a 647-day orbit, it could have conditions suitable for liquid water. Future ...
Artist's concept of a potentially habitable super-Earth orbiting a star called HD 20794. Illustration credit: Gabriel Pérez Díaz, SMM (IAC) Scientists have discovered a fascinating “super-Earth” just ...
A super-Earth, HD 20794 d, has been confirmed within a habitable zone 20 light years from Earth. The planet, first detected in 2022, has a mass six times that of Earth and orbits a sun-like star.
It is in this context that the discovery of the super-Earth HD 20794 d by an international team including the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the PRN PlanetS fits. The new planet is on an eccentric ...
Earth is our home planet, and it's the only place in the universe where we know for certain that life exists. Earth formed over 4.5 billion years ago from a swirling cloud of gas and dust squished ...
Unlike Earth, HD 20794 d has an elliptical orbit ... Future space missions like LIFE, ELT, and HWO will study the planet’s atmosphere for biosignatures—chemical clues of alien life.