The space agency's planetary science analysis groups must pause while NASA checks if they comply with Trump's orders.
He also led the team that first proposed the existence of a mysterious Planet X lurking on the system's outermost fringe. Our planetary scientists have been looking for and discovering exoplanets ...
The Planetary Geology Department studies the solid surfaces of planets, moons, and small bodies in the solar system. Geological mapping as well as morphological and spectral analyses provide a record ...
Earth and Planetary Science is a highly interdisciplinary concentration employing principles from physics, chemistry, and biology to understand processes on and in the Earth and other planetary bodies ...
Cranmer) for approval. Thermal, mechanical, quantum, and radiative processes in gases and plasmas, with emphasis on spectroscopy, atomic and molecular physics, statistical mechanics, and kinetic ...
Astronomers have made a groundbreaking discovery in the WASP-132 system, finding two new planets that defy previous ...
This program studies extreme weather, climate change, and their impacts on both ecosystems and modern society. This research area uses biology, chemistry, geology, and physics to understand how the ...
Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus will be visible over Britain from Tuesday evening and occurs just once every ...
Consistently ranked among the top programs in the country, the Department enjoys a diversity of research interests in the areas of Astrophysics & Astronomy, Planetary Science, Fluid Dynamics, Plasma ...
Prockter has been the chief scientist for the space exploration sector at the Applied Physics Laboratory and previously was director of the Lunar and Planetary Institute. The leadership of the ...