"Our goal is to get into as many markets as we can," Watson said. "And if we can increase the feed grain segment, that's good." Sorghum is a secondary crop for many growers, Watson said. Many farmers ...
However, some farmers are in a hurry to plant not just corn and soybeans but sorghum in Michigan. AgDay national reporter Betsy Jibben caught up with one farmer who is deciding at planting ...
“Contrary to previous years there’s not much interest in planting sorghum or sunflower, which are two crops that usually rotate with wheat, and farmers will put all their chances in soy beans ...
Lust says sorghum saw more than 1 million acres disappear due to sugar cane aphid and other challenges farmers were experiencing growing sorghum. But he says newer varieties are showing resistance ...
At least in the past decade, sorghum crops were developed, as the main food alternative. One of the first events of planting sorghum in NTT, was Yosep Afon Hera, from the Likotuden Herin Lela ...
But A&B is “focusing on crops that grow in rows and can be mechanically harvested, such as sorghum and corn” for Anaergia Services Maui All Natural Alternative’s power project at the ...