In more severe cases, your doctor may prescribe you pills to help reduce swelling, relieve itching, or fight a bacteria infection. Other symptoms to note: A poison ivy rash is extremely itchy and ...
Another plant you really want to avoid touching is the wild parsnip. These look related to the aforementioned giant hogweed, ...
Poison oak rash is an allergic reaction to the leaves ... depending on the time of year. Like poison ivy and poison sumac, poison oak releases an oil called urushiol when it sustains damage.
Crown Laboratories, Inc. ("Crown"), a fully integrated global skincare company, is excited to announce the launch of Sarna® Eczema Relief Skin Protectant Lotion. Building on its reputation as the #1 ...
Amanda Gardner is a health reporter whose stories have appeared in,,, WebMD, HealthDay, Self Magazine, the New York Daily News, Teachers & Writers Magazine, the Foreign ...
When you’re spending time outdoors this summer, in your own yard or hiking in a park, it’s useful to know to spot poison ivy.