Almost 90% of wild plants and 75% of leading global crops depend on animal pollination. One out of every three mouthfuls of our food depends on pollinators such as bees. Crops that depend on ...
Mason bees use mud in nest construction and are active mostly in Spring. Leafcutter bees use leaves to line nests and are active in Summer. A few species in this diverse group are managed for crop ...
And a large proportion of the world’s food supply is directly, or indirectly, affected by honey bee pollination. Here in the UK around 70 crops are dependent upon, or benefit from, visits by ...
Show kids the importance of bee habitats like flower patches. Help provide a safe place for the buzzers—which pollinate an estimated one-third of the food we eat—by building a bee hotel near ...
Human impacts go beyond fragmentation of habitat to other modifications. We are interested in how anthropogenic impacts from farming to logging to cattle grazing affect bee communities and pollination ...
Insect-pollination of flowering plants is responsible ... plants which are pollinated by birds and other small animals. Bees are facing many threats globally. These include habitat loss, climate ...
Some bees are skipping the pollination process altogether, piercing flowers to steal nectar without spreading pollen. This behavior, known as nectar robbing, could have major implications for plant ...
When the bee flies off and lands on another orchid it deposits the pollen, allowing the flowers to reproduce. Despite the elaborate deception, bee orchids also engage in self-pollination, transferring ...
They are more like livestock, raised by farmers for honey and bee products production as well as commercial use as pollinators. Many crops have pollination as a yield limiting factor like it is ...
Narrator: Bees help pollinate the reported 84% of crops humans ... When I talk to the kids, all the kids are very disappointed to hear that we might lose ice cream. Narrator: The extinction ...
Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology have released their designs for a robotic bee that could artificially pollinate plants and food, The Debrief reports. The robot bee weighs less ...