bathe and breed Some creatures spend their whole lives submerged in a pond, such as freshwater hoglice that have gills to aid their aquatic lifestyle. But ponds are typically low in dissolved oxygen, ...
Having a neighbour you do not get along with can be catastrophic, and worse, when you do not even share the same interests, you can’t even hang out, but that has been the relationship between the ...
A pond is a fantastic way to attract wildlife into your garden and even a tiny pond will benefit a lot of animals. Many creatures are entirely aquatic, some start their lives in water and others need ...
What does one man do when a softshell turtle invades his koi pond? Watch the fascinating video as he guides the turtle back ...
A pond habitat is a watery world where lots of different plants and animals live. It's a special place where creatures like fish, frogs, dragonflies and water lilies make their homes. Have you ...