A STRETCH of the A494 in Deeside will be closed for two nights this week. Traffic Wales has said the Queensferry interchange will be closed westbound. The closure will be in place from 8pm Thursday ...
"Audit Wales have issued a significant red flag commenting on our lack of reserves," he said. "Taking such a significant amount makes me nervous, especially as we've already had storms and there may ...
A major crash on the Welsh border is causing traffic chaos. The serious incident has seen the M56 closed eastbound near ...
A year-long roadside protest that had drivers howling with laughter has finally come to an end. A Toyota truck covered in “angry poo” stickers became a source of amusement for thousands of A494 ...
The local authority says it's been difficult to identify the source of the odour but has assured locals it's taking the ...
Described as resembling the scent of a "wet mop", the unpleasant smell has spread to Connah's Quay, Hawarden, Broughton, and ...
Eight people had to be rescued from a popular beauty spot in Edinburgh on Saturday afternoon. At around 12.19pm on March 15, lifeboat crews from South Queensferry raced to Cramond Island after ...