You may have seen cotija and queso fresco on restaurant menus or at the grocery store and wondered how they were different.
Whether you're using it in a recipe, as a topping for enchiladas or elotes, or just eating it straight off the block (we don't judge), queso fresco is a delightful cheese that's both unique and ...
Hornea durante 20 minutos, o hasta que el queso esté burbujeante y las enchiladas estén bien calientes. Retira del horno y decora con cilantro fresco picado y cebollitas verdes. Si no te quieres ...
Enchiladas de pollo en salsa verde de tomatillos frescos con chile cerrano, cebolla y ajo. Se sirven con queso fresco. Coloca el pollo, el caldo de pollo, ¼ de cebolla, 1 diente de ajo y 2 ...