RS3轿车和Sportback车型均由奥迪的2.5升五缸发动机提供动力,连接到七速双离合自动变速箱,在欧洲规格中仍可提供400 PS(394马力)和500Nm(369 lb-ft ...
The multi-plate clutch uses software custom tailored for the Audi RS 3 Sportback. It distributes the available torque as needed to the front and rear axles in the blink of an eye. Depending on the ...
We already know what we don’t like about the latest Audi RS3 Sportback: the anaesthetised steering, the plug-ugly grille, the absence of a gear lever, some of the buttons, most of the vents and ...
内饰方面,深灰色的内饰搭配翻毛皮运动方向盘,触感极佳。虽然座椅只有座椅加热,没有电动调节,有点小遗憾,但这一体式菱形图案的运动座椅,包裹性和支撑性都非常不错,开起来也更带感。中控台的设计简洁明了,没有过多的花里胡哨,物理按键的使用也更方便。不过,此次 ...
However, we much prefer the Golf R to the Mercedes and the RS3 Sportback will need to be very good to justify a £10,000 premium. Where to start? Well, the new RS3 utilises the latest Haldex four ...