The fanous (lantern) made its way in Ramadan during the Fatimid reign when the Cairo people came out on 5 Ramadan 358 hijra ...
Indonesia, home to the world's largest Muslim population, is set to celebrate Eid al-Fitr on March 31. The holy month and the subsequent Eid celebration are deeply tied to the homecoming tradition, ...
The Quran was revealed in Arabic and it comprises: 30 sections, 114 chapters, 6,236 verses and 77,432 words. It mentions Ramadan in the second chapter (Chapter 2, verse 185) with the prescribed rules ...
are bustling with sales of Chinese-made "Ramadan lanterns" adorned with LED lights and other festive accessories. On a recent Sunday afternoon, Sulastri Rahma, a 32-year-old vendor, was busy ...