So if a food label says one serving has calcium at 20 percent, it has 200 mg of calcium. Remember to check the serving size on the top of the label and adjust the number to your serving size. Note: ...
Also read | Do you decide food items based on the ‘healthy’ label? Know FDA's new rules If you are a health enthusiast who ...
A study in Lagos found that while about 70% of consumers read food labels, only around 65% fully understand them. I know it can be difficult to understand the language and symbols on product ...
With unlimited options available, the thrill of discovering new and familiar snacks makes each visit more thrilling, but reading food labels is the most important thing to make a well-informed ...
Labels on packaging include lots of helpful information about what foods and drinks contain. This information can help us to decide if we want to buy or consume the product. Food labels can also ...
Watch this film has further information about labelling on food and how to use it to make wise nutritional choices. The NHS has further guidance on nutrition levels, reading labels and eating a ...
Reading food labels is a skill we all should have. When shopping, use food labels to help guide you in making healthy and ...
A new label on the front of food packages is being proposed to help consumers easily see saturated fat, sodium and added sugars. Trying to eat healthy? Having a tough time reading those food labels?