It is very important to understand who are our real friends and who are our fake friends. Here are seven signs to identify whether your friend is your real friend or fake: Judging: In friendship ...
These fake friends might smile in your face, but behind closed doors, their actions tell a very different story. One of the most obvious signs that you're surrounded by fake friends is that they ...
At RIT, a team of student and faculty researchers is leading the charge to help journalists and intelligence analysts figure out what is real and what is fake. Their work, called the DeFake Project, ...
So let’s see what they think about this story: “Obama Signs Executive Order Declaring ... the lowdown on how to weigh up what’s real and what’s fake. What are deepfakes and how do they ...
The company claims it can help tell the difference between a real video and a fake. From science-fiction to the real world, flying cars are here - but could the concept actually take off?
Get ready to take a quiz and become a pro at sorting out viral news, working out which are fake news and which are real. Good luck, let’s go for a perfect score! Not sure if the news you’re ...