This week's full worm moon will come with a special treat – a total lunar eclipse, which will turn the moon a blood red color ...
The upper surface of the worm is covered by flexible opalescent scales (top image) and the segmentation and bristles are visible on the animal's underside (bottom image). This new species of ...
and only certain worm species can regrow the full eight if lost. A blackworm can regrow all of its head segments, no matter how many are cut off, but the red wiggler (Eisenia fetida), a popular ...
According to the Red Queen hypothesis, sexual reproduction persists because it enables many species to rapidly evolve ... constant attack by a parasite, a worm that causes something called black ...
Researchers soon realized they’d discovered a new species: Loimia poraporaensis, or the Porapora spaghetti worm. A Loimia poraporaensis ... underside has a “dark red” color.