Darryl Schneider ([email protected]). If you are a participant (i.e., a student in PSY 120) and have questions, concerns, or issues related to your participation in research, please email ...
Protocol is a format for step-by-step descriptions of procedures that users can take to the lab and immediately apply in their own research. All of our protocols have been proven to work already ...
Follow the step-by-step instructions below to successfully prepare and submit a protocol to the IRB. Instructions below include information about single IRBs, student involvement in human subject ...
Purification removes contaminants from DNA samples, ensuring the integrity of the genetic material and providing more ...
IRB applications, including initial applications, amendments and continuing reviews, are accepted electronically via CyberIRB. CyberIRB is an online IRB submission system that researchers can access ...
Monthly Proposal and Revision Deadlines Protocols must be submitted and ready for IACUC review by the 1st of the ... You and anyone assisting with your research agree to be trained and appropriately ...
As well as this, further studies investigated the effect of working the muscle in the stretched position, to find it has ...
A protocol designed to progressively increase physical therapy intensity for stroke survivors improved walking distance, ...