就在最近,全球知名的多人在线战术游戏《英雄联盟》(League of Legends, 简称LOL)的开发商Riot Games宣布了一项重大决策——正式移除游戏中备受欢迎的海克斯宝箱系统。这一决定立即在国际玩家社区中掀起了轩然大波,尤其是在非中国地区的服务器上,玩家们纷纷表达了他们的失望与不满。 海克斯宝箱是什么?为何如此重要? 对于那些可能不太熟悉LOL内购机制的朋友来说,海克斯宝箱是一种通过 ...
Riot co-founder Marc Merill then announced in 2024 that the project is hitting the reset button and remained in active ...
The Feb. 7 League of Legends dev update did not go over very well with players. In it, Riot doubled down on its reasoning to remove Hextech chests as a free-to-earn loot reward. According to Riot, the ...
Riot Games shares a video with League of Legends players explaining why it removed Hextech chests and outlining some of the ...
The League of Legends community is currently in turmoil as Riot Games has made significant changes by removing free Hextech Chests.
最近,有关拳头公司(Riot Games)正在开发一款受《原神》启发的开放世界游戏的消息引起了广泛关注。根据爆料人Big Bad Bear的说法,这款游戏将融合开放世界探索、角色收集、动作冒险以及抽卡机制等元素,并且它并非之前传闻中的英雄联盟MMO,而是一个全新的项目。预计在2025年10月,我们将听到更多关于这个项目的重大消息。 对于许多玩家来说,符文之地的世界观同样引人入胜,丝毫不逊色于《原神 ...
Player dissatisfaction seems to be at an all-time high in the League of Legends community, driven primarily by Riot Games’ decision to remove Hextech Chests and other rewards from the game. In a ...
A ONE Esports article detailing the LoL patch 25.S1.3 release date, featuring Dumpling Darling skins for Syndra, Amumu, and ...
After a rocky start to 2025, Riot has released a new League of Legends dev diary, discussing the removal of Hextech Chests ...
LoL’s devs have come clean about why free Hextech Chests were removed, and players were infuriated by their explanation.
If you’re an Arcane fan, this is a natural decision that makes sense. If you’re a League of Legends veteran, it inspires ...