Your rising sign, along with your Moon sign and Sun sign, are deemed to create your multi-layered personality and identity. Together, they provide a holistic understanding of who you are.
In astrology, your rising sign describes your appearance and the first impressions you make, which includes your beauty look.
Also known as the ascendant, your rising sign offers insights into your personality and temperament from an outside perspective (aka, how other people see you), astrologer and bestselling author ...
A lot of people will ask you what your sign is, but every now and then you'll hear: what's your sun, moon, and rising sign? You're probably familiar with your sun sign (the one that's most associated ...
If you’re not doing your makeup according to your Rising sign, what are you even doing? That’s what the astrologers, manifestors, witches, and beauty influencers of TikTok are asking right now ...
Be sure to read for both your sun and your rising sign for the most accurate reading. March will be a pivotal month, as it’s where our astrological new year begins! We start things off with ...