Arrival, departure times of 7 trains at SNL/Sahnewal . 7 trains pass through Sahnewal station. It is not a major station and only a few long distance trains stop here. 4 MEMU trains, 2 DEMU trains ...
How many trains are there from Sahnewal to Ludhiana Junction? There are 6 direct trains that run between Sahnewal and Ludhiana Junction. The train schedules consist of 6 daily trains. These include ...
The Shatabdi Express coming from New Delhi for Amritsar was halted at Khanna railway station. Bhartiya Kisan Mazdoor Union’s state president Dilbag Singh, who led the protesters at the Sahnewal ...
Inspector Jagdev Singh, station house officer (SHO) at the Sahnewal police station said an FIR has been registered against the unidentified accused. An investigation is underway. The footage from ...