Becuase you'll soak it before using it, it won't be too salty in the final recipes. Rinse the fish and dry it with a clean dishcloth. Spread a layer of salt at least 1/2-inch thick in a container.
TUMPAT - As the Northeast Monsoon season sets in, salted fish producers are grappling with challenges in processing their fish, due to the unpredictable weather conditions. A seasoned entrepreneur ...
Pat fish dry. Fill a sheet pan large enough to fit fish with a ¼-inch layer of salt. Place fish on top and mound remaining salt so it completely covers fish. Roast fish in oven until a ...
Pack in two of your five-a-day and load up on protein with this sweet and salty fish stir-fry. Each serving provides 307 kcal, 30g protein, 21g carbohydrate (of which 14.5g sugars), 10g fat (of ...