Although a single penguin is capable of devouring thousands of krill in a single sitting, swarms of the zooplankton may detect disturbances in the water ahead of mealtime. The telltale sign?
Initially, there was a large increase in krill, shortly followed by a leap in anchovy abundance. By comparison, blue and fin whale song rose primarily during the years where krill was more plentiful.
Picture: David Killick “We found that the krill tried to avoid being near the penguin poo by ‘zigzagging’ in the water, ...
Imagine looking at the world through the stalked compound eyes of krill in the Southern Ocean. All of a sudden, a penguin appears like a voracious giant, streamlined like a torpedo, chasing and ...
Picture: David Killick “We found that the krill tried to avoid being near the ... but they try to get away from the area of poo and school or clump together as part of their survival instinct.” ...