Why is our sense of taste so susceptible to damage and is there a way to still enjoy food when we lose it? There are lots of tactics for boosting flavour in cooking: using pungent ingredients ...
Airplane food often gets a bad rap. As it turns out, it’s not entirely the airlines’ fault that food tastes different at 30,000 feet than it does on terra firma — and it’s not all in your head that ...
Events, after all, should be all about how you make your guests feel, and taste is a powerful sense for event planners to achieve exactly that. Let’s explore some of the ways taste can be used to help ...
I lost my sense of taste and smell due to Covid three years ago – can I do anything to help regain them? I am a 71-year-old type one diabetic woman. W. Bruno, Trowbridge, Wiltshire. Dr Martin ...
Has your sense of taste ever gone dull or disappeared after vaping? Vaper’s tongue could be to blame. The popularity of vaping has skyrocketed over the last couple of years, but still very ...