While they may present many unwanted challenges, the design possibilities to get creative with a shade garden are endless.
Many dogwood varieties don’t need sun and will tolerate partial- to full-shade conditions. One spectacular species to try is ...
A dd color and creativity to shady corners of a garden or patio that would otherwise feel lonely and lifeless. We may think these low-light places are dominated by ho-hum bushes a ...
In our area, the time to prepare beds for planting ferns is in the spring since all but the hardiest species die back in our ...
Every garden has a shady spot, whether it's the whole plot or just a shady corner. Finding plants that will thrive makes life so much easier as they'll naturally want to grow there. Shade is generally ...
Gardening with ferns is relatively easy given the correct choice of planting location. Most ferns require shade or dappled sun and moist conditions. During rainy seasons, normal precipitation will ...