Police in Karnataka have released Siddhanth Kapoor, son of veteran Bollywood actor Shakti Kapoor, on bail after he was arrested for consuming drugs at a party in Bengaluru. Along with four others ...
Shraddha Kapoor is Shakti Kapoor's daughter and despite belonging to a film background, it was quite difficult for Shraddha to get work in the industry initially. While everyone talks about ...
Shraddha Kapoor and her father, Shakti Kapoor, have bought a luxury apartment in Mumbai for ₹6.24 crore, documents accessed by Zapkey showed. The seller of the property is Glyder Buildcon ...
Shakti Kapoor has been married to Shivangi Kolhapure for 43 years, despite initial family resistance due to their differing backgrounds. They secretly dated before eloping in 1982. Their families ...
Shraddha Kapoor and her father, veteran actor Shakti Kapoor, have made a significant real estate investment by purchasing a lavish apartment in Mumbai for ₹6.24 crore. As per property documents ...