Skin-picking disorder (dermatillomania or excoriation disorder) and autoimmune disorders often go together. With skin picking, you have a compulsive urge to pick, scratch, rub, pull, or scrape ...
The general examination of the skin considers normal ... descriptive terms of primary lesions are scale, crust, fissures, lichenification, erosion, ulcer, excoriation, scar, and atrophy.
Some examples are scale, crust, erosion, ulcer, lichenification, scar, keloid, excoriation, fissure, and atrophy. In the primary care setting there are two ways skin lesions may come to the ...
Quilligan, associate professor of pediatrics, College of Medical Evangelists, for supplying the cat-scratch skin-test antigen. Select the format you want to export the citation of this publication.