But outdoor and hiking gear doesn't come cheap, which is why our team is always looking for great deals to snatch up. Luckily ...
Lower temperatures require more gear, naturally. Winter hiking in Florida may just include one or two layers of insulation, whereas winter hiking in Maine might include a hat, gloves, puffy coat ...
Drew Zieff is a Tahoe-based freelance writer whose expertise ranges from snow sports in the winter to ... Sabre line is consistently rated highly by gear reviewers and customers.
Forget about slipping and sliding around this winter or hiking with frozen feet—the Merrell Thermo Chill Mid will open up a whole new season for off-pavement exploring, and they make a great ...
Find all our reviews of winter sports gear and clothing here. Whether you're looking for new snow boots or a ski jacket to hit the slopes, our writers have you covered. We test products for ...