Once matrices and systems have been created, their primary public method is solve, which returns a (dense) Vec solution-vector. Unlike common mathematical notation, all locations in sparse21 matrices ...
Given matrices $\mathbf{A}$ and $\mathbf{B}$, we can solve the equation \[\mathbf{A} \mathbf{X} = \mathbf{B}\] for the unknown matrix $\mathbf{X}$ when the matrix inverse of $\mathbf{A}$ exists. We do ...
Having lowered the bar for the sense in which we hope to solve a system of linear equations, one might wonder whether this quantum algorithm 3 offers a real advantage over classical computing at all.
In this paper, we propose two analytical methods for solving Positive Trapezoidal Fully Fuzzy Sylvester Matrix Equation (PTrFFSME). The PTrFFSME is converted to an equivalent system of crisp Sylvester ...
An R package to solve system of linear equations using (preconditioned ... cgsolve_sparseOMP new in v1.5.5 Sparse matrix with parallelism using OpenMP for conjugate gradient method. # A is a sparse ...
To solve a frequency-domain wave equation, we often need to invert the impedance matrix ... After training a deep neural network, we can evaluate the wavefield at any point in space almost instantly ...
In 1980 the multilevel multichannel R-matrix code SAMMY was released for use in analysis of neutron-induced cross section data at the Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator. Since that time, SAMMY has ...