An East African country is home to the continent's longest mainland stretch of coastline, covering a staggering distance of ...
The rampant exploitation of yellowfin tuna threatens Somali livelihoods and could affect global food security.Illegal tuna fishing by Chinese vessels off Somalia's coast has reached alarming levels - ...
MOGADISHU, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- A global maritime body on Tuesday urged operators of foreign vessels to remain vigilant as they transit along the Somalia coastline and the Gulf of Aden, saying ...
More than 100 dead dolphins have been found on the coast of Somalia's semi-autonomous Puntland region, with officials yet to establish what caused their deaths. The region's fisheries minister, ...
Cases of piracy along Somalia’s coastline have often surged in recent months, with the groups soliciting huge amounts of money from their victims. But generally, the cases are not as significant as in ...
Illegal tuna fishing by Chinese vessels off Somalia's coast has reached alarming levels - with yellowfin tuna, one of the world's most commercially important fish, central to this concern.