"Additional stresses to our struggling wildlife." Charity disheartened by 'devastating' impacts of recent conditions on key ...
A farmer notices an unfamiliar insect on a leaf. Is this a pollinator? Or a pest? Good news at harvest time? Or bad? Need to ...
As night falls over Australia's forests, grasslands and backyards, the hidden world of nocturnal insects stirs to life. In ...
Some biologists speculate that animals will get smaller with global warming to reduce heat stress. While this may be true of warm-blooded animals, what about exotherms like insects? Thanks to a ...
An invasive bug species found at a Michigan airport marks just the third time the species has been intercepted in the United ...
A fund set up by STRI staff scientist Annette Aiello intends to provide long-term funding for the preservation and management ...
We predict that there will be whole genome sequences for 10–20 social insect species and their relatives within the next 10 years, and these could be strategically chosen to span the full range ...