It was to dig through bins full of the things shown below (many of them 3D-printed and all of them common or inexpensive) and to build a working spectrometer. We wanted them to make a device that ...
When we hear spectrometer, we usually think of some piece of high-end test equipment sitting in a CSI lab. Sure, a hacker could make one if he or she put their mind to it. But make one out of a ...
The device which does this is called a spectrometer and [Justin Atkin] invites us along for his build. Video can also be seen below. Along with the build, we learn how spectrophotometry works ...
The PHI 5800 X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) is equipped with a dual source anode (Al and Mg), a hemispherical analyzer for XPS and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) analysis, including ...
The XRISM collaboration has discovered flows of hot gas in the core of the Centaurus Cluster. By comparing state-of-the-art X ...
The Moons And Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer (MAJIS) is a hyperspectral imaging spectrometer. It measures in many narrow bands in the electromagnetic spectrum by extracting information from incident ...
Using hyperspectral data, scientists can monitor and develop the dynamic relationships between geophysical parameters on an intercontinental scale. The DESIS imaging spectrometer can depict the land ...
The mini-spectrometer TF series is a polychromator provided in a compact, thin case that houses optical elements, image sensor, and driver circuit. Spectrum data can be acquired by guiding ...
The IM-2 lander is believed to have reached the moon's south pole region, but its precise position and location are unclear.