The sperm whale is the world's largest predator and dives deeper than any other mammal - up to depths of over 2,000m. Its call reaches 220 decibels, the loudest made by any creature on Earth ...
While baleen species of whales such as the right whale are not uncommon for Florida's coasts, massive toothed mammals — like the endangered sperm whale that died after beaching itself near Sarasota — ...
Over the past two years he’s spent nine weeks off the eastern Caribbean island of Dominica in a 30-foot boat chasing sperm whales around their warm-water habitat. NGM Maps Skerry captures images ...
A sperm whale that was entangled in ropes has died after it became stranded on a shore of the island of Raasay. The animal was spotted in difficulty off nearby Skye on Thursday. British Divers Marine ...