True, it can be difficult to know where to start when flavoring your own popcorn. Luckily, we've got five spice blends that can really send this snack from microwave stand-by to crave-worthy delight.
From a foolproof popping method to the ultimate seasoning, these chef tips will help you make the best possible popcorn. Movie Theater Popcorn Is Great, but Homemade Popcorn Is So Much Better ...
Sprinkle popcorn with a little festive spice for a tempting treat that is sure to be pop-ular with family and friends. Heat the oil for 20-30 seconds over a medium heat in a large lidded saucepan.
Mix together the toasted cumin seeds, curry powder, cinnamon and lime zest. Sprinkle the seasoning and a little sea salt over the popcorn and serve immediately.