Garden fences are an ideal spot for algae to grow as the wood absorbs moisture from rain and dew, creating the perfect breeding ground for algae to grow and thrive. Algae love damp and shady ...
Apart from the hassle (and expense) of draining and refilling the pool, it is unlikely to be successful. You need to get up close and personal to eradicate every last spot to fully clean the algae.
Greater Wellington advises people not to swim or let their dogs near the water at the Silverstream area of Te Awa Kairangi.
Amid climate uncertainty, curators at the Bigelow National Center for Marine Algae and Microbiota are hopeful that if there's a bright spot, it's hidden below the ocean's surface. Within weeks of ...
A study of harmful algal blooms in Hervey Bay has found the presence of some species that can cause fatal food poisoning, including some found in Australian waters for the first time. The peer ...
Red alert level warnings are in place for Te Awa Kairangi/Hutt River at Silverstream due to high levels of toxic algae.