I was recently asked by a local TV news station to answer a question about how squirrels find their buried nuts. This is a great example of super cool things that go on in nature that most people ...
Autumn is a busy time for squirrels. They are gathering nuts and acorns. Found one! Squirrels need to hide food in the ground ready for winter when there's not much food around. When winter comes ...
Home for a gray squirrel may be a leafy nest, a dome-shaped mass of twigs and leaves with an inner chamber of shredded bark and leaves, or a tree cavity which it seems to prefer. The principle foods ...
Parkhurst Forest has a squirrel hide ideal for picnics while you wait ... Red squirrels don't hibernate so bury nuts in the ground. See if you can spot one digging at the base of a tree!
(The Hill) — Peanut (sometimes known as P’nut), an Instagram-famous squirrel that was seized and euthanized by New York state and entered the political fray before the election, was negative ...