While Star Trek is known for its vast `and expandable universe of interrelated shows, films, and spin-offs, there are still a ...
Along with Nichelle Nichols' efforts to diversify the STEM fields, Star Trek inspires real technology, too. Because of its aspirational nature, things that seem like science fiction can become ...
In Star Trek: Nemesis, we see android Data (played by Brent Spiner) use the Vulcan nerve pinch to take out a guard.
Get informed on all things Star Trek, including history, fun facts, and all the nostalgia that the legendary series and movies evoke.
Shatner puts it this way: “Gene Coon had more to do with the infusion of life into Star Trek than any other single person.” With Coon at the helm Roddenberry turned to other projects ...
The Horta were an illustration that there are plenty of life forms in the Star Trek universe that are not remotely humanoid.