There are three light scattering techniques used for macromolecule and nanoparticle characterization: static, dynamic and electrophoretic. Static light scattering measures the time-averaged ...
Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) instruments, which are also known as Photon Correlation Spectroscopy or Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering instruments, are non-invasive tools used to measure the size and ...
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) is a process used to determine the size distribution of tiny particles in suspension or polymers in solution. DLS is often used to analyze nanoparticles. In a typical ...
A separate, optimized static light scattering (SLS) channel offers true molar mass measurements. The NanoStar is among the most sensitive, robust and reliable DLS detectors available for protein ...
A separate, optimized static light scattering (SLS) channel offers true molar mass measurements. The NanoStar II is among the most sensitive, robust and reliable DLS detectors available for protein ...
A separate, optimized static light scattering (SLS) channel offers true particle concentration and molar mass measurements. Offering walk-up, guided operation so even novices can make quality ...