Kangaroo Island is home to South Australia's only remaining population of Green Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa (Lestis) aerata). The ...
Observing India’s Royal Bengals in their natural surroundings is a coveted experience, but habitat degradation and illegal poaching continue to threaten regional tiger populations.
In anticipation of the April 15 opener, I’ve been researching the differences between various wild turkey subspecies—from the Merriams of the Rocky Mountain West to Florida’s Osceola and the ...
Polytypic. Length 6.3". The 12 subspecies show marked variation and fall into 5 major groups: “white-winged” (1 ssp.), “Slate-colored” (2 subtle ssp., plus cismontanus), “Oregon” (5 ...
The recovery of the smallest subspecies of gray wolf in North America is inching forward. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — It is a ritual that takes place every winter — federal and state wildlife managers use ...
There are six living subspecies of tigers: Bengal, Amur, South China, Sumatran, Indochinese, and Malayan, according a study published today (October 25) in Current Biology. The distinctions could help ...
Cape buffalo, one of four distinct subspecies of the African buffalo, are the most common. They’re distinguished by coloring, size, and even horn shape. There’s also the forest buffalo ...