Calls have been made on the government to increase sugar tax so it can properly improve health, but the industry warns of job ...
In addition to changes in gut microbiota, the researchers also found associations between sugary beverage consumption and 56 ...
Researchers examine the association between sugar-sweetened beverage intake and gut microbiota-mediated changes that may ...
Toddlers or children aged one to four should not consume fruit juices or sweetened beverages, a new study has claimed ...
Soft drinks with added sugar might increase a person's risk of type 2 diabetes by affecting their gut microbiome, new ...
It is well known that consuming sugary drinks increases the risk of diabetes, but the mechanism behind this relationship is ...
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This small but meaningful change seen in California may add up to a generational impact on consumption, but only time will ...
Dr. Francis Fagbule, a public health dentist and lecturer at the University of Ibadan and the University College Hospital, Ibadan, emphasizes in this interview by SADE OGUNTOLA that addressing ...
Excerpts: WHY is a sugar-sweetened beverage tax important, particularly with studies warning about rising health concerns like obesity, diabetes, and other cardiovascular diseases in Nigeria?
New research suggests that gut bacteria may mediate the link between sugary drink consumption and increased diabetes risk. A ...
A team of US researchers has decoded the role of gut microbes in increasing the risk of diabetes after consuming sugary ...