PANews 2月18日消息,据智通财经网报道,知情人士透露,OpenAI联合创始人Ilya Sutskever正在为自己的AI初创公司Safe Superintelligence筹集逾10亿美元,令其 ...
Youtuber Dr. Mike does an excellent give into intelligence, superintelligence and AGI. He parses all of the different intelligence domains. He observes that machines are already superintelligence in ...
近期,科技界传来一则重磅消息,由前OpenAI首席科学家Ilya Sutskever创立的初创企业Safe Superintelligence,正寻求以至少200亿美元的估值进行融资。
Reflection AI is seeking to develop so-called superintelligence, which it defines as an artificial intelligence system capable of performing most work that involves a computer. As an initial step ...
While Sutskever isn't a household name like OpenAI co-founder Sam Altman, he is widely recognized as the guy who may have "solved" superintelligence late last year, a breakthrough that sparked a ...