Earlier this month, the Madras High Court cleared the way for Krishna to receive the Sangita Kalanidhi M S Subbulakshmi Award after a legal battle that gripped Chennai’s cultural and legal circles.
Carnatic singer T M Krishna has been redefining his art by ... I’m writing this not as an artist but as a citizen. What music projects are you working on? I am planning to sing the Preamble ...
This is something Carnatic music could take from Hindustani ... Sangita Kalanidhi designee T.M. Krishna echoed Gururaj’s statement that compositions predate ragas, which interestingly also ...
T.M. Krishna spoke to RaySel at SBS studio during his visit to Australia. T.M. Krishna (Thodur Madabusi Krishna) is a popular Carnatic music vocalist in India. His musicality eludes standard analyses.
T.M. Krishna (Thodur Madabusi Krishna) is a popular Carnatic music vocalist in India. His musicality eludes standard analyses. Uncommon in his rendition of music and original in his interpretation ...
Democratising Carnatic music needs to be addressed like any other social issue, such as equal opportunities for all. The irregularities, corruption and other moral ills that TM Krishna points out ...
However, a lot has not changed in the fuddy-duddy Carnatic world, with minds not being broad enough to take in music ... Krishna—should not be declaring himself an awardee of the honour named ...
The Music Academy’s conferment of the Sangita Kalanidhi title on TM Krishna and the divide among the Carnatic music fraternity has now spread to other sections of the society and even stoked ...