These sanctuaries have been pivotal in reducing the threats that once devastated takahe populations, such as predation by introduced mammals like stoats and habitat destruction due to land clearance.
But those bones, points out Rawlence, are from a completely different time and habitat, and the area might still be unsuitable for takahē. “If you’re going to conserve takahē,” he says, “you need to ...
But I have wondered what odds a takahe would have in a similar situation. Martin Genet, who is responsible for the takahe habitat, shows me a topographical map of the mountains so covered with black ...
Pressure from introduced predators such as cats, ferrets, and rats, brought by European settlers as animal companions, decimated the takahē populations even more. Meanwhile, introduced species such as ...
South Island takahē North Island takahē/mōho, which is now extinct Takahē numbers declined as glaciers retreated and forests regenerated, reducing their grassland habitat. Pressure from hunting and ...
Encounters with the Takahē are possible at various locations throughout the country. In their natural habitat, Takahē are found exclusively in the Murchison Mountains of Fiordland National Park, and ...
It’s a great opportunity for people to see these colourful ambassadors. Takahē are territorial and will aggressively defend their breeding habitat from other takahē. This can result in death or injury ...
Soon after, an additional 10 birds were released. To everyone’s joy, the takahē not only adjusted to their new habitat but also began reproducing. There are now around 500 takahē in New Zealand, and ...