Drain from oil and repeat to finish. 8. You can also slice the tapioca in a plate and drop in oil instead of directly doing it. But do not keep sliced tapioca for so long. Just simultaneously while ...
Tapioca pudding is transformed into a lovely comforting Suhoor breakfast with rose-flavoured rhubarb and pistachios. This eats well warm or cold. Preheat the oven to 200C/180C Fan/Gas 6. Put the ...
To thicken up your pie filling without diluting flavor, instant tapioca is the way to go. Look for tapioca flour (also sometimes labeled tapioca starch) in the baking section of your local grocery ...
Bubble tea is a refreshing summer drink to make at home – a Taiwanese classic, each glass is finished with ice and sweet, chewy tapioca pearls. Try a traditional milk tea, or go fruity with a ...