More recently, radio-telemetry, which requires an observer to physically follow the tagged animal, has been used. But if you want to track individual long-distance migrants, another technique ... user [J. M. Hopkins] had a problem with his rocketry. Telemetry from the rockets came down to Earth via a 433MHz serial link, but picking just the bits he needed from a sea of data for ...
"The data that will come down from the spacecraft will be fresh information about a place that we, as humanity, have never ...
The ICE/ISEE-3 telemetry parser/display allows anyone ... a visual introduction to DSP for SDR and SETI signals from the Allen Telescope Array were discussed. There will be another meetup in ...
Mobile phone telemetry sends recorded and stored data ... which can then emit and receive signals from other tagged animals, permitting mobile peer-to-peer (MP2P) transmission of data.