The ultramicrotomes are mainly used to prepare thin sections for imaging with TEM. Either glass or diamond knifes can be used to cut thin sections of specimens embedded in epoxy. The section thickness ...
TEM works by transmitting a beam of electrons through an ultra-thin specimen. As the electrons interact with the specimen, they are scattered or transmitted, producing an image that is magnified and ...
The FB-2000A is a single beam system; that is, users image the specimen with the same beam used for milling. The column resembles that of an electron microscope and functions very much the same.
The EPSC system is fitted with three cleaning ports for TEM specimen rods, and a top loading lid is provided for SEM samples. The cleaning ports are centrally located, thus enabling even and ...
BIO 483/583 - Transmission Electron Microscopy Lab (3) This course provides hands-on experience in TEM specimen preparation, microscope operation, usage and data collection, and photographic plate ...
The Themis has a full complement of state-of-the-art accessories, including specialized specimen holders that extend the STEM utility. High Contrast images (desired for standard biological TEM samples ...