NPMA encourages homeowners to be on the lookout for the following signs of a potential termite ... swarmers have emerged inside a home. Wood Damage: Termites tend to eat wood from the inside ...
“Termites are eating wood year round, but in the springtime is when the termite actually swarms,” said Natasha Wright, an entomologist at Braman Termite & Pest Elimination. “It produces a particular ...
Signs of termite infestations that you may notice outdoors ... Wood that has obvious damage and nearby small piles of termite droppings (which resemble salt and pepper) could signify a termite ...
Banter: In-ground and spot treatments along structures where live activity is seen are the most effective way to eliminate ...
NPMA encourages homeowners to be on the lookout for the following signs of a potential ... home that shows how quickly termites can cause severe structural damage, and Will They Eat It?, ...
However, what was concerning was that 49% of homeowners don’t know how severe damage ... termite inspections and treatment from a licensed pest professional can help catch the warning signs ...