Hydrogel is something that most of us are familiar with from it being used in contact lenses, burn dressings, and hair gel.
This has already put them at risk of receiving about 40 mSv to 80 mSv of radiation, which is roughly equivalent to 120 to 240 ...
The recommended dose limit in terms of effective dose is 20 mSv per year or 100 mSv in 5 years. This is over and above the radiation dose one gets from natural sources, which varies from place to ...
Millisieverts (mSv) are units of measurement for how much radiation has been absorbed by the body. Although the type of radiation is different, 1 mSv of space radiation is roughly the same as ...
In this paper, we will: Review the types of radiation particles and the sources of radiation that impact circuit SER Address the techniques to mitigate terrestrial radiation impact in SoC design for ...