Disney animated adaptation of Kipling's classic about Mowgli, a boy raised in the jungle who befriends a laid-back bear, Baloo. Show more Raised by wolves in the Indian jungle, orphan Mowgli ...
The Jungle Book, based on the Mowgli stories by Rudyard Kipling ... Friendly panther, vocalized by Sebastian Cabot, discovers a baby boy in the jungle, and deposits him for upbringing with ...
Living among the wolves in the jungle, young man cub Mowgli quickly learns to live life among his wolf pack and all the animals that inhabit the jungle, but when the villainous tiger Shere Khan ...
1967's The Jungle Book was adapted from and loosely based on Rudyard Kipling's writings of the same name. The film was the final animation to be produced by Walt Disney before his death.
The story follows the upbringing of the human child Mowgli raised by a pack of wolves in the jungles of India. As he learns the often harsh rules of the jungle, under the tutelage of a bear named ...