Ideally these paragraphs will each have identifiable strengths and weaknesses. Step 1: Instructor begins the class with a brief lecture (5-10 minutes) about thesis construction. The emphasis here is ...
For a master’s thesis, it is perfectly appropriate for an advisor to suggest a topic, sometimes with data that already exists. An advisor can also help you shape your ideas into a researchable ...
Include your attitude toward the subject as well as the subject. Otherwise, you're just stating your intent, not your thesis or claim. Example: My essay will discuss handgun legislation. Better: ...
Establishing your committee is the first step in formalizing your research. This process should be started early ... Master’s students are required to have a minimum of 6 semester hours of thesis ...
and the semester in senior year during which you will complete thesis. Steps toward the Formal Thesis Proposal After you have been matched with a thesis adviser, it is good practice to check in with ...
Since LACLS is an interdisciplinary program, there will be a fair amount of variation in form and length among student theses. Be aware that over the course of each semester the thesis will probably ...
Effective Fall 2020, the Department of Public Policy and Administration (PPA) will replace the traditional thesis requirement with a set of culminating experience options. Students will have three ...