There are also many different varieties to choose from, with you being able to grow carrots that you may not ordinarily see at the supermarket. From the traditional long-stalked o ...
Overcrowded plants compete for nutrients, water, and light, resulting in smaller, less flavorful carrots. Once your seedlings have reached about 2 inches in height, thin them to about 2-3 inches ...
Carrots and parsnips grow best in light ... This reduces the amount of thinning necessary and potential risk from pests. Sow the seeds thinly on a sunny, dry day in shallow drills around 2-3cm ...
Peel medium to large carrots thinly, top and tail, then cut into slices, or thin batons. Simmer in salted water for a few minutes until al dente. Drain, run under the cold tap to halt cooking ...