Criteria (iii): Palenque bears a unique testimony to the mythology and the rites of the Mayas, notably in the incredible number of sculpted reliefs on interior walls of the palaces and temples.
The next time the Snakes appeared was far to the west, in the lavish city of Palenque. Unlike the drier lowland metropolises of Tikal and Calakmul, Palenque was refined and sophisticated ...
Contemporary with Palenque and Tikal, Uxmal is an architectural gem whose buildings reflect a renaissance of Maya building that took place in the seventh to nine centuries A.D. The architectural ...
The first published account of this lost city was in 1567, from a Spaniard, Father Pedro Lorenzo de la Nada. Exploring near the Usumacinta River, located in the modern Mexican state of Chiapas ...
Xochicalco is an exceptionally well-preserved example of a fortified political, religious and commercial centre from the troubled period of 650–900 that followed the break-up of the great Mesoamerican ...