Be advised that it is very difficult to trim and embed tissues so precisely that it can be determined before sectioning which sections will contain such areas. In such cases it is advisable to request ...
Tissue/cell processing and embedding Tissue slide sectioning H&E staining Special stains including: PAS, ORO, Trichrome, VVG for elastin, Giemsa Sectioning of thick tissue curls or core punches for ...
You may have to experiment with different methods. Be advised that it can be difficult to get acceptable sections from some tissues. Fatty tissues are a notable example. Also be advised that although ...
constructed from a 3D serial sectioning experiment on tissue block of a primary breast cancer sample. 3D volumes constructed from the Pan-Cytokeratin (red) and Smooth Muscle Actin (white ...
while also enabling batch integration without the need to align tissue sections or perform manual adjustments," says Nakai, outlining some of the main advantages of the model. The research team ...
The Histology Core Facility enables academic and commercial users to prepare tissue specimens for paraffin embedding, paraffin sectioning, plastic sectioning, cryosectioning, vibratome sectioning and ...
involves tissue fixation, embedding and sectioning. Cells are typically fixed with 2% glutaraldehyde (e.g. in 100 mM Na-cacodylate or Na-phosphate buffer, pH 7.4) for 1-2 hours at RT post-fixed with 1 ...