Chilean center-left presidential hopeful Carolina Toha rose in two polls conducted immediately after her formal announcement ...
La aspirante presidencial chilena de centroizquierda Carolina Tohá subió en dos encuestas realizadas inmediatamente después ...
More than five hours after the outage began, Interior Minister Carolina Toha announced a curfew from 10:00 pm (0100 GMT) until 6:00 am (0900 GMT) Toha said the measure was part of a state of emergency ...
Chile Interior Minister Carolina Toha stepped down from her post and said she will run for president in this year’s election, ...
Authorities have lifted a strict curfew imposed when the outage left 98% of the population without electricity.
La ministra del Interior de Chile, Carolina Tohá, renunció a su cargo, la señal más clara hasta ahora de que pretende ...